2010年10月17日 星期日

hard copy、soft copy、carbon copy

Hard copy

In information handling, a hard copy is a permanent reproduction, or copy, in the form of a physical object, of any media suitable for direct use by a person (in particular paper), of displayed or transmitted data. Examples of hard copy include teleprinter pages, continuous printed tapes, facsimile pages, computer printouts, and radio photo prints.

Magnetic tapes, diskettes, and non printed punched paper tapes are not hard copies.

Soft Copy

A soft copy is the unprinted digital document file. This term is often contrasted with hard copy. It can usually be viewed through an appropriate editing program, such as word processing programs, databaseprograms, or presentation software, depending on the file type.

It can be transported from one computer to another through file transfer/downloading mechanisms such as ftp or http, as an email attachment, or through USB drives and other disk drives. Keeping a digital copy of adocument can allow easy editing of it later on. See hard copy for information about printed documents.

螢幕的輸出稱為軟拷貝 (soft copy),印表機輸出稱為硬拷貝 (hardcopy)

Carbon Copy

Carbon copying, abbreviated cc or c.c., is the technique of using carbon paper to produce one or more copies simultaneously during the creation of paper documents. With the advent of email, the term has also become to refer to simultaneously sending copies of an electronic message to secondary recipients.


from wiki
